Parking Attendant

Time: 5:30am - 7am

Direct parking

Trail Guide

Time: 6am - 830am

Stationed on the trail to cheer on and direct Turkey Trot participants to stay on the right track

Pau Hana

Time: 7:30am - 9:30am

Welcome runners across finish line. Hand out refreshments and prizes. Help breakdown tents and clean up area.


Time: 5:30am - 7:30am

Setup tables, chairs, banners, signage

Full Day Volunteer

Time: 5am - 10am

Assist with a variety of tasks throughout event

Thanksgiving Morning Setup

Time: 5am - 8am

Setup tables, chairs, banners, signage

Water Station

Time: 6:30am - 8:30am

Fill cups and hand out to runners along trail